Law is inherently complicated and legal issues are seldom black and white. Context is everything. All of the advice on this web site is general in nature and intended to be of an informative nature. Information on this web site may not always reflect recent changes in the law. The information on this web site is not, and is not intended to constitute, legal advice to persons visiting this web site.
Use of or access to this Web site does not create a lawyer-client relationship between Sorèl Leinburd, Law Corporation and any visitor.
Law is inherently complicated and legal issues are seldom black and white. Context is everything. All of the advice on this web site is general in nature and intended to be of an informative nature. Information on this web site may not always reflect recent changes in the law. The information on this web site is not, and is not intended to constitute, legal advice to persons visiting this web site.
Use of or access to this Web site does not create a lawyer-client relationship between Sorèl Leinburd, Law Corporation and any visitor.